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Online Business
QUESTION: Asked By: sue 8/30/2024 12:00 AM
hello I originally got set up to sell at out door markets and received a sellers permit only for two markets. I stopped selling at those markets and have been selling online..what changes do I need to make? Im confused!

sue,   in
Hi sue: Here is what you need for starting your
  business .

  Online Business
First, select your Online Business business structure: Sole Proprietor, Partnership, LLC or Corporation. 
The above step is important business all documents will be filed under the type of business organizational structure. After that, you will need to obtain a business permit. 
Online Business Sellers Permit or Resale License
If you want to buy any taxable merchandise such as jewelry or clothing at wholesale prices to make jewelry to re-sell, or to buy clothing and accessories to resell them, then you need state sellers permit or sales tax license also called a resale license. 

States Require A Online Business Sellers Permit
This is because most states require jewelry vendors to collect tax on sales made within that state as opposed to out of state.  For example, you are in California and you sell a piece of jewelry, e.g., a gold ring, to a New Yorker.  Since your business is located in CA, you do not need to charge taxes.  
Selling in-state requires that you charge sales tax
On the other hand, if you sell in California you need to charge sales tax on every retail sale thatโ€™s shipped to any address within California.
So if you are selling your jewelry,  get your sellers permit also called a resale license. 
There is no other way to buy wholesale and re-sell retail.  The implication is that even if you sell just wholesale, you still need to get the resale license. 
This is because in the end... the end user has to pay sales tax.  Hence the requirement to get a sellers permit as a wholesaler so the state can monitor sales between wholesalers and retailers ( taxable item sales that is ).  

Anytime you run into a state inspection, the state it will you to show proof that tax-exempt sales are indeed sold to vendors with a valid Online Business Sellerโ€™s Permit. Unless you had a valid resale license at the time of the sale, you will have to pay the taxes or penalties of the sales without a resale license. Things are that harsh.
For instance, you are located in Texas, and you try to buy wholesale from Pennsylvania, despite that you will not sell in PA, you will need  a resale certificate to produce to the wholesaler to make sure your can re-sell the items purchased wholesale.yes mam i need to get for my buniss licence just need to know how much the business licenses are for the parish, city and state we have our federal ein....starting the business jan 1st 2017i want to check when will i receive my physical copy of the permit. I'll call you tomorrow since my answer could not be answered here online I'm trying to find out how do I get a catering business licenses I do full scale catering and I have a EIN already I also have the business filed under a LLC Mobile dispensaries need what type of licenses or permits to open up as a business...? Like I said the Business license is ..... Business Operation Tax am I right ...? I'm interested in your offer but I'm always not wanting to be setting my self up for greater expectations and me knowing what I am getting is why I am asking my question & if there is no answer to my question then I'm reluctant on using your services .... Gray areas are not selling .Yes, I have filed for my fictitious name, but have not heard anything yet.
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